Testing process
Once you’re approved as a UserTesting contributor, you can get paid to test apps, prototypes, websites, real-world experiences, and more!
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How soon can I start earning money online as a UserTesting contributor?
Once you've completed each step on your applicant checklist, and we've approved your practice test, you’ll be able to view available tests from your contributor dashboard. Our customers post new tests daily.

How many tests can I take?
UserTesting is one of the best ways to earn money online fast. On average, most contributors take one or two tests per week. You can receive a test at any time, on any day of the week. However, the number of opportunities is dependent on the needs of UserTesting customers, including your demographic profile and background. Keep in mind, the more complete your profile is, the more tests you’ll qualify for to make money online.

We take our contributors’ privacy seriously. To ensure your privacy and control over the information they share, we make it easy for contributors to decide whether or not to share your personal or health information when taking a test.
If one of our customers requests sensitive data as part of a test, we require them to gain your consent, usually with a screener question before the test begins, giving contributors a chance to accept or decline the test invitation.
You can always accept, decline, or quit any test that becomes available, based on your comfort level. Declining or quitting a test that asks for personal information will not prevent you from being invited to other tests and will not impact your contributor score.
UserTesting will never share contributor email addresses with customers. The only way for customers to communicate with contributors is through the platform.

How will I know when new tests are available for me to take?
When a new test invitation that matches your profile information becomes available, there multiple ways you can be notified of available tests.
You can set up your profile to send you an email notifying you of new tests, or if you often have your UserTesting dashboard open, you’ll hear a ‘ding’ when a new test is available on your desktop. On the mobile app it’s best to refresh your dashboard regularly to see new tests under the ‘Available tests’ tab.
From there, you can view, or accept tests that are interesting to you. Or, if you feel a test isn’t a good fit you can simply remove that test from your dashboard.

What are screeners?
Screeners are multiple-choice questions that you may need to answer before you’re able to qualify for a test. These ensure that our customers are getting feedback from their target audience. Screeners can be about your employment experience, likes and dislikes, shopping habits, hobbies, or something else entirely.
Screeners are used to match you with our customers' tests. If you pass all of the screener questions for a test, complete the test, and successfully upload your test video, the customer will be able to see the screener responses you answered for that test. However, customers don’t have access to any screener responses that don’t result in a successfully completed and uploaded test.

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