Most product leaders assume they must choose between fast shipping products and optimizing customer delight. That was true in the era of old-style customer research, which could not generate insights at the pace of agile development. However, real-time human insight solutions now enable a product organization to get feedback on any topic from real customers in a couple of hours. For the first time, you can optimize for fast development and customer delight. This saves you money by reducing your risk of wasted sprints and failed releases. It also increases your odds of hitting the market sweet spot before a competitor does.
Like any major improvement in productivity, fast human insight requires tweaking your business practices and workflows. This document describes the benefits of fast insight, how you can use it to solve specific problems in the development process, and what you need to do to make a deployment successful.
The biggest limit on the productivity of a product development organization is the tradeoff between speed of development and customer delight. Delighting customers requires consistent, in-depth insights into their thinking and needs, but the traditional sources of that insight, such as focus groups and customer interviews, move far slower than an agile development process.
Because of the speed mismatch, many product teams compromise on human insight. It’s common for product owners to base decisions on their gut instincts, or to substitute indirect sources of insight like analytics and social listening, which are limited in scope and can produce misleading findings. The problem is very widespread: About two-thirds of product decisions today are never validated with customer feedback before they’re finalized.1
This guesswork creates big risks for your organization:
The faster you try to move, the less time you have for customer insight, and the worse the risks become.
New methods of collecting human insight enable product teams to apply fresh customer insight in real time to every decision they make, without slowing down. A product team no longer needs to trade off between customer delight and speed; it’s possible to optimize for both. This has very substantial benefits to a product organization:
This document tells you how to add fast human insight to your product development process. We’ll describe the problems you can solve, where in the process you should apply insights, best practices for deploying them into your organization, and how to resolve the most common speed bumps you may encounter along the way.
We’ll start with the specifics on the problems you can solve…
What exactly is fast human insight?
Imagine having a live customer sitting next to you 24/7. You can ask their immediate reactions to any question or idea. How much smarter and faster could your work be? Now imagine doing that for every employee in your organization. How much more savvy and effective would your team be? Fast human insight uses cloud computing and crowdsourcing to make that situation a reality. You can have your target customers respond to almost anything: a question, a document, an image, a web page, etc.
A good human insights system will record the customer’s face, voice, screen, and also the backside camera of a mobile device so you can see what’s happening in the world around them. And the entire process takes only a couple of hours, so you can literally ask a question in the morning, and the answers are waiting for you by the time you finish lunch. Fast human insight radically improves your team’s empathy and understanding of customers. Every significant decision you make can now be customer-based.
The speed and convenience of modern human insight lets you use it differently. People schooled in old-style market research, which is too slow to integrate in most decisions, assume they can use it only in only one or two stages of the product development process, for example problem discovery or prototype validation. Fast human insight lets you apply customer insights continuously across the development process. You should think of it as the grease that you can apply to any decision point: It enables everything to move faster, with higher confidence, less friction and lower likelihood of breakdowns.
Here are the most common ways that product teams are improving their productivity through fast human insight:
The most common uses of human insight in the product development process.
When you’re understanding customer needs and problems, fast human insight lets you do much more accurate and detailed discovery, faster than traditional interviews. Teams often shortchange the discovery process because it’s very painful:
The result can be products that have far too many features, are overpriced, or that simply fail to engage the average customer.
A good human insight solution will let your team recruit and schedule discovery interviews automatically in less than 24 hours. You should be able to target your specific customer in any geographic location, and reach users and non-users alike.
The outcome: Discovery can be completed within a single sprint. It happens in days rather than weeks or months, and you’re very confident that you heard from your real customers.
Human insight should be used continuously from the very start of ideation. The sooner you detect a mistake you’ve made, the easier it is to fix, and the less money and time you will have wasted going in the wrong direction.
Engineering time is the single biggest expense item in most development organizations, so you can save enormous amounts of money by ensuring that you don’t send the engineers off to implement something customers will reject.
If you do prototypes before development, you should insist that your teams validate their earliest sketches and ideas by running them past real users. As they iterate, the tests should be repeated. Almost anything can be tested: A written description of a product, a verbal description, even a napkin sketch (literally; we’ve seen companies test photographs of napkin sketches, and it works). This process takes a couple of hours per test if you use a modern human insight solution, and if you get the right solution your designers and PMs don’t need the help of a researcher.
Ironically, most companies wait until the end of definition before they test things on customers. Generally that translates to running an acceptance test on a high-fidelity prototype just before it gets handed off to development. That is the absolutely worst time to get feedback, because it’s usually too late to change anything.
If you don’t prototype, fast human insight enables your team to learn even faster than they can by deploying code. Rather than waiting for analytics, your team can put a build in front of customers and get reactions to it within a couple of hours, and the feedback will include both what they feel and why they think that way, making it much easier for the team to determine what to change next.
Product elements that many companies fail to validate
Your teams should use fast human insight whenever they have to make a change to any customer-facing element of the product. For example, it may turn out that an interface widget created by the designer is too difficult to implement and needs to be changed. This sort of change can severely affect the overall customer experience, but you won’t know it unless the change is validated.
Align teams and settle disputes. One of the most difficult tasks for a product manager is aligning all members of the team around a unified vision. The challenge is not that people resist the shared vision, it’s that people naturally focus on slightly different interpretations and so they will think they’re signed when actually they are not. Often you won’t know this is happening until their work doesn’t align or there’s a dispute over something that you thought was settled. The customer videos produced by a human insight solution are very effective at building a shared understanding, because everyone can see the same customers talking about their needs and desires. This produces a shared vocabulary and mindset that helps the team move faster as development proceeds.
Human insight can also be very useful for settling disputes in organizations that have a diversity of opinions on the right direction. Best practice in Agile is always to have a single decider on a project who is empowered to end any disagreements. But let’s face it, some company cultures require more discussion, especially if the disagreement is with a stakeholder who has a senior role in the company. These situations can delay a project and damage employee morale. Fast human insight can usually settle the disagreements within hours, without extensive argument, by providing objective video evidence of how actual customers react to the issue. We all aspire to operate in a company culture that makes decisions crisply, but when that doesn’t happen, fast human insight is a powerful way to herd the cats.
If the project has been validated along the way, you won’t have to do many end-of-development tests. But there are a couple of exceptions:
There are two areas in iteration where you can increase productivity:
Now that you understand the power of fast human insight, it’s time to put it to work in your organization. Like any other powerful transformation, this is a journey in which you’ll need to lead your team and overcome obstacles. Here are the best practices you should follow, and the speed bumps you should expect along the way:
The biggest mistake companies make when deploying fast human insight is to assume magic will happen automatically if they deploy a solution. Fast human insight isn’t just a product, it’s a change in the way people work. It requires tweaks to work flows and job definitions. Your people will need to develop new habits, which takes time to implement. You are a key element in this transition – you’ll need to be firm, you’ll need to enforce the right behaviors, and you’ll need to be patient with the process.
Research teams come in a variety of titles: UX Research, CX Research, Customer Research, Insights Team, Market Research, etc. In a traditional organization they’re all expected to provide a service in which employees ask them questions and they provide answers. If you have one of those teams in your organization, the first step in the insights transformation is to alter their service mentality. A transformed insights team works as a leader and facilitator: They split their time between doing the most strategic research on their own, and helping other people in your team get their own answers self-serve.4
The reason you need to change their role is simple math. Most product decisions today are not vetted with customer insight at all, so there’s an enormous gap between the latent need for insight and current research capacity. You may not even be aware of this gap because in many cases teams have assumed that they can’t get help, and have stopped asking. Gathering insights for every important decision would overwhelm the typical customer research team, which is usually overbooked already.
Even if you’re willing to fund a massive increase in customer research, the process of going to a researcher, asking for a project, and then waiting for results is usually too slow for most day-to-day agile decisions. By the time you get the results, the team has already moved on. The current system simply will not scale.
The only sustainable solution is to empower product managers, designers, and other squad members to gather tactical human insights on their own: reviewing prototypes, discovering needs, and validating decisions in the moment when they are being made. A good human insight solution will enable this sort of self-serve testing. But you still need the research team. They will continue to drive the most complex, strategic studies, and they will also supervise the tests run by others to ensure that they’re being done properly.
This can be an uncomfortable change for a research team that sees itself as the source of all customer insight. They may be rightfully worried that non-researchers will run bad studies or may misinterpret their results, causing the company to make mistakes. What they need to understand is that the company is already at risk because so many decisions today are based on guesswork or misleading sources of information. The business risk of an occasional mediocre study is far smaller than the business risk created when people routinely guess with no human insight at all.
When a research team switches to facilitation mode, it follows three steps:
By empowering others, the research team enables a dramatic increase in the number of decisions that are informed by human insight.
We’ve written an extensive guide to help research teams transition from info controllers to facilitators. You can find it here.
What if you don’t have a research team?
Some companies, especially small ones, have no dedicated user research function at all. In those cases you’ll need some experienced help deploying a human insight solution – someone needs to configure the account, create templates, and assess the skills of your employees so they can be granted the correct privileges. A good human insight company will have a professional services team that can help you with these issues.
Start by changing a single process. Because human insight is so powerful, it’s tempting to deploy it for many usages across your team all at once. We don’t recommend that. The hardest part of deploying fast human insight isn’t standing up the software, it’s changing the work habits of the people who will be using it. That needs to be planned and executed in stages.
We recommend that you start by transforming a single part of your org’s workflow. For example, you could start with improving discovery interviews, since they are a problem area for almost every organization. Or if your dev process includes a design stage, prototype validation is another great starting point. Whichever starting point you use, your goal is to:
Once you’ve accomplished that for one process, you can move on to the next process you want to transform.
Starting with a single process has several benefits:
Keep the training simple. Another very common mistake companies make when rolling out a human insight program is to attempt to turn non-researchers into full-fledged researchers. This usually fails for several reasons:
If you try to teach full research skills to non-researchers, you’ll see high dropout rates from the training sessions, and low adoption rates across most of the organization (the only adopters will be the small subset of your employees who were already research groupies).
Instead of trying to turn people into researchers, you need to configure the product so it meets them halfway. Your research team can create templated tests and other support material to make it easy for non-researchers to collect insights on their own. You then teach people to use the template, rather than teaching them generalized research skills. This is a much shorter training process and results in higher rates of adoption.
The most time consuming part of running a human insight test isn’t launching the test, it’s interpreting the results. So you should deploy a solution that makes it extremely easy to identify key findings without slogging through hours of user video. Features to look for include:
For example, the training for a designer could focus on how to use a templated test to gather feedback on a prototype, and use of the visualizations from the test results to analyze the findings. Designers can easily see the need for this (so they will be highly motivated to make it work), and when the system is properly configured, it will be fairly easy for them to do the work themselves. This will put you on the path to high adoption.
You need someone inside your team supervising the operational details of your human insight program. This person (or persons) will do the following:
A good human insights solution will have built-in support for all of these functions. Your vendor should also give you the option to outsource part or all of the insights ops role if you don’t have anyone in house who can do it for you.
It’s inevitable. We all want to believe that a compelling new approach to decision-making will be enthusiastically embraced by everyone in the org, but the reality of human beings is that they’re very wedded to their old ways. Once the excitement from your initial deployment of human insight wears off, they will tend to revert to their familiar old business practices.
Also, you should recognize that when you ask employees to validate their work frequently through human insight, you’re asking them to do a little bit of extra work in the moment to avoid the risk of much bigger mistakes later. It makes sense in the long term, but most employees don’t live in the long term. Even if it takes only an hour to validate a decision, that’s still an hour they could have spent doing something else. Making blind guesses is always going to be the fastest methodology of all. It’s also the riskiest – but the more self-confident your employees are, the more they’ll believe they can guess reliably without any need for validation.
To overcome this natural resistance, you need to deploy a series of carrots and sticks:
You should expect your human insight vendor to stand with you every step of the way as you transform your processes. Even if you have robust research and ops teams to manage the journey, your vendor should offer documentation, deployment guides, onboarding, and ongoing support services to help them guide you through the transition.
If you don’t have a robust team to drive the process, you should expect your vendor to be able to step in with consulting resources that fill the gaps. Those can include:
When you’re ready to start your insights transformation, you should start talking with vendors to understand what your options are. If you already have a vendor doing UX research for you, they may offer scaling services. Another good place to look is G2, which aggregates customer reviews of business software. Their section on user research includes companies that range from very simple and cheap to full-fledged enterprise solutions.
As your team speaks with vendors, you can use this document to give you ideas on what questions to ask.
Uncover human insights that make an impact. Book a meeting with our Sales team today to learn more.