
UserTesting + Jira Product Discovery 

Support product discovery and prioritization decisions with video-based human insight captured from the UserTesting platform.

Learn more about UserTesting’s integration for Jira.

About Jira Product Discovery

Jira Product Discovery helps product managers capture ideas for products, evaluate and prioritize those ideas, and track their progress against product concepts.

Integration overview and benefits

The Jira Product Discovery integration with UserTesting enables product teams to share UserTesting video links that unfurl with contextual information, helping teams support ideas and prioritization decisions with customer feedback.

Laptop 3 - User

Remove the guesswork from decision-making

by adding human insights to help you to vet market needs, design concepts, prototypes, and experiences before investing valuable resources

message icon

Embed customer feedback in more decisions

by including human insights across more business processes and workflows

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Extend human insights across more teams

by enabling teammates using Jira Product Discovery to access customer feedback in the platform they use the most

Remote video URL

For more information on using the UserTesting integration with Jira Product Discovery, access our Knowledgebase article here.