UserTesting + Quantum Metric

Put your customers at the heart of your digital experience with quantitative and qualitative insights

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Quantum Metric and UserTesting allow you to combine quantitative behavioral data with qualitative human insight to better understand your customers' experiences. Use Quantum Metric as the “hypothesis engine” to understand customer behaviors, then uncover the "why" behind these behaviors with real customer feedback from UserTesting. Remove the guesswork from customer experience decisions by accessing behavioral, product performance, and customer preference insights that help you build better products. Request a trial to learn more


Formulate better hypotheses and test plans with highly segmented, first-party data and session replay

  • View in-product or web behaviors with Quantum Metric session replays 
  • Quantify, scope, and prioritize the potential impact of insights uncovered through UserTesting 
  • Validate resource investments and prioritize building functionalities with the greatest customer value 

Capture direct and expressed insights in live or self-guided video sessions to uncover the why and validate the hypothesis

  • Identify opportunities and friction points with video sessions
  • Understand the rationale behind user behaviors captured in Quantum Metric with targeted UserTesting sessions 
  • Design solutions to address identified opportunities using contextual insights and minimize the need for rework 

Best of both worlds

Qualitative and quantitative insights for a deeper customer understanding

UserTesting Templates test ideas and templates


Determine where and when to launch a UserTesting session based on customer experience insights gathered from Quantum Metric.

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Identify ideal participant profiles using Segment Builder from Quantum Metric and dive deeper with these audiences in UserTesting to understand intent.

UserTesting Network


Recruit targeted users in real-time to share feedback through UserTesting.

UserTesting research hub


Monitor UserTesting sessions within Quantum Metric to uncover larger trends, and  understand aggregate customer journeys, pain points, and performance improvements

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Validate insights from Quantum Metric by conducting targeted live interviews or recorded sessions with UserTesting’s global contributor network.

UserTesting and Quantum Metric

Build better digital products faster with human insight

Build digital products faster

Quantum Metric helps organizations build better digital products faster. 

Learn more about Quantum Metric's Continuous Product Design Platform below.

Quantum Metric

Understand your customers

Empower anyone in your organization to easily get a vivid, first-person understanding of any experience. 

Visit UserTesting's platform overview to learn more.

Platform overview

Learn more about UserTesting

Additional resources

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Integrations and plugins

See how UserTesting helps you do more with your existing tools and solutions to further optimize your customer experience.