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Two women in an office reviewing a document


11 pleasing examples of ecommerce product copy

Good copywriting on product pages can be taken for granted or overlooked. But when...
3 coworkers huddled around a desk pointing to a tablet


What is guerrilla testing and how do you use it?

What is guerrilla testing? Guerrilla testing is a means of gathering user feedback by...
What’s a Customer Experience Narrative?


What’s a Customer Experience Narrative?

​ A Customer Experience Narrative, or CxN, is the video-based feedback and results generated...
Group of professionals working on a task


What’s the difference between formative and summative usability testing?

Usability tests are used to discover the effectiveness of a design and evaluate the...
Group of people sitting in a small circle talking


Demystifying UX statistics: What is p and what does p < 0.05 mean?

We spend a lot of our time analyzing the data, identifying insights, and making...
Two women discuss over a tablet.


What are confidence intervals and why do we need them?

Why do we need confidence intervals? When we run usability studies we are typically...


What metrics and KPIs do the experts use to measure UX effectiveness?

What’s the difference between UX metrics and KPIs? UX metrics are a set of...
Family of three sitting together while looking at a tablet


How to create and measure digital accessibility

So, you’ve been asked to make your designs and software accessible. You know what...


Risk mitigation in digital product development

Launching any digital product comes with some degree of risk. While every founder, product...