

Microsoft Learn + UserTesting

Discover how Microsoft Learn helps 25 million people raise their skills and get new jobs

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  • 25M
    People trained on new Microsoft skills in 2020
  • A culture of customer empathy across the organization
  • Faster business decisions from actionable human insights
Even with a tight schedule, we strive to get things right for customers. Now, we can run tests and get results the same day. I didn't imagine this was possible before we had UserTesting.
Horyun Song, UX Researcher, Microsoft
Horyun Song UX Researcher, Microsoft
Now we can reach global audiences with a diverse cross section of people for our studies. That's important to our team.
Sara Lerner, Customer Research Senior Program Manager, Microsoft
Sara Lerner Customer Research Senior Program Manager, Microsoft
Empathy is the answer. It's the source of human insight, innovation, and meaningful change.
Rachel Price Senior Information Architect, Microsoft
Rachel Price Senior Information Architect, Microsoft
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