After the Growth Team completed their experiments with UserTesting, the engineers and designers got to work. Kate says, “The new free trial experience not only looks cleaner, it looks simpler. People are more willing to move through it because they're getting more information back for what they're putting into it.”
Ultimately, Ancestry’s sharp new trial experience led to a 20% decrease in day one cancellations. Overall revenue from new users increased by a staggering 6%, a huge win for the company.
Per Maria Cuasay, “We help limit risk by coming up with higher quality ideas. Without user research, our ideas are going to be all over the place and we're not really solving the main customer problem. But with really good research, we're able to hone down on the most important customer problems or what we call opportunities. Our ideas become a lot better and we have more successful experiments.”
Next up, Ancestry’s Growth Team plans to use the EnjoyHQ function to gather customer insights from UserTesting and other sources. This will allow executives to access the summaries they need about user perceptions and employees can use the hub to quickly find the information they seek.