Financial services

Atom bank + UserTesting

Read how the UK’s first digital-only bank used human insight to build better digital experiences and increase its App Store rating to 4.8

Liam Dexter

UserTesting has enabled Atom to ensure our customers provide feedback throughout the product development lifecycle. With those valuable insights, we’re refining our products to deliver a best in class customer experience.

Liam Dexter

Lead User Experience Designer, Atom bank

  • 5☆
    Ratings on TrustPilot
  • 5☆
    Ratings on apps across iOS and Android
  • +88
    NPS rating for Atom bank overall
  • Customer Story Teaser Images. Images are used in the cards on the Customer Story Listing Page.
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  • Customer Story Teaser Images. Images are used in the cards on the Customer Story Listing Page.
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  • ATB teaser
    Learn how ATB Financial rapidly innovates their platform with customers in mind
  • Customer Story Teaser Images. Images are used in the cards on the Customer Story Listing Page.
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