Retail & ecommerce

Fashion & Apparel

Chico's + UserTesting

Witness how Chico's uses fast feedback and video insights to grow its loyal customer base

Remote video URL
  • Significantly reduced UX design planning and turnaround time
  • Icon illustration representing the customer journey or product roadmap
    Improved the digital customer journey for optimal experiences
  • Increased customer satisfaction and repeat purchases
UserTesting helps us continuously bring the customer back to the center of the conversation.
Kane Ford, Senior Experience Designer, Chico's FAS
Kane Ford Senior Experience Designer, Chico's FAS
  • Teaser Images for Customer Stories. These teaser images are used for the Customer Story cards on the Customer Stories Listing page.
    Watch how Amazon leverages insight from existing and potential customers to improve the seller experience
  • Customer Story Teaser Images. Images are used in the cards on the Customer Story Listing Page.
    Learn how the UK apparel maker used human insight to improve their apps and their website in just a few months
  • Customer Story Teaser Images. Images are used in the cards on the Customer Story Listing Page.
    With customer insights on the menu, read how the global sandwich franchise grew its loyalty program
  • Image of grocery store produce aisle
    Read how Walmart Canada scales their UX practice