Food & beverage

Retail & ecommerce

Deliveroo + UserTesting

Watch how Deliveroo leveraged customer feedback to decide on product feature names

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  • icon illustration of a paper airplane
    Fast decision making through human insight on product naming to launch quickly
  • Enhanced strategic planning through gaining quick insights across multi-markets
  • Empowered designers to launch their own tests at key design stages
My CEO praised my team for the speed and quality of our insights through UserTesting. The platform gives us clear decisions in less than a day.
Lydia Howland, Head of User Research, Deliveroo
Lydia Howland Head of User Research, Deliveroo
  • Teaser Images for Customer Stories. These teaser images are used for the Customer Story cards on the Customer Stories Listing page.
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  • Image of grocery store produce aisle
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  • Customer Story Teaser Images. Images are used in the cards on the Customer Story Listing Page.
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