Travel & hospitality

Expedia Group + UserTesting

See how Expedia Group saves over seven figures a year with fast customer feedback

Remote video URL
  • 350+
    Live Conversation interviews with UserTesting
  • Illustration of an arrow hitting a target
    Exceeded annual cost savings target for customer research
  • 960
    Number of employee days saved per year vs. in-lab testing
UserTesting gives us the fastest insights to fix problems and design experiences that make our customers happy to keep coming back.
Tammy Snow Head of User Research, Expedia Group
Tammy Snow Head of User Research, Expedia Group
  • Photo of a WestJet airplane
    Discover how WestJet uses conversations with customers to make air travel safer and more convenient
  • Man sitting on a couch with his suitcase in an airline lounge looking at his phone
    Learn how testing with potential customers helped Costco Travel build a better online booking experience
  • Customer Story Teaser Images. Images are used in the cards on the Customer Story Listing Page.
    See how human insight helped Skyscanner adapt to uncertainty in a changing world
  • Teaser Images for Customer Stories. These teaser images are used for the Customer Story cards on the Customer Stories Listing page.
    Discover how listening to customers and conducting 'beyond device testing' guided Alaska Airlines through the pandemic