
Philips + UserTesting

Read how Philips uses empathy to quickly create digital experiences that resonate with consumers

Jiaqi Mao, Growth Hacking Lead, Digital Marketing and Ecommerce, Philips

We can co-create digital and product experiences with our target customers on a daily basis with UserTesting. No other solution makes it easier and faster to be Customer First, regardless of what we’re building.

Jiaqi Mao

Growth Hacking Lead, Digital Marketing and Ecommerce, Philips

  • Icon illustration of an outstretched hand holding a heart
    A world-class customer-first approach to agile innovation
  • Higher quality insights in 80% less time
  • Icon illustration of a bar graph with an arrow pointing up and to the right
    15X increase in test volume

In 2020, Philips Digital Marketing and E-commerce team (DMEC) was established to accelerate the direct relationship between Philips’ brand and its customers. In order to drive every aspect of innovation and satisfy fast evolving customer needs, the DMEC team needed a way to integrate consumer and customer insights using the Agile way of working. Specifically, Philips’ Direct to Consumer strategy for digital transformation required a new, ...

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