

Pitney Bowes + UserTesting

Watch how rapid prototyping and testing with UserTesting contributors helped increase customer renewals by 133%

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  • 133%
    Increase in customer renewals
  • Icon illustration of a bar graph with an arrow pointing up and to the right
    Significantly increased customer lifetime value
  • Icon illustration of a smiling face emoji with a heart
    Significantly increased customer loyalty
UserTesting is the fastest, most powerful platform for understanding our customers. It's central to our rapid iteration process.
Nat Sweeney, Director of User Experience, Pitney Bowes
Nat Sweeney Director of User Experience, Pitney Bowes
  • Customer Story Teaser Images. Images are used in the cards on the Customer Story Listing Page.
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  • Customer Story Teaser Images. Images are used in the cards on the Customer Story Listing Page.
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  • Customer Story Teaser Image
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  • Teaser Images for Customer Stories. These teaser images are used for the Customer Story cards on the Customer Stories Listing page.
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