Fashion & Apparel

Consumer products

Retail & ecommerce

Spread Group + UserTesting

Watch how Europe's largest made-to-order printing business leveraged competitor insight to launch new features and increase sales

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  • 20%
    Rise in the sale of organic / sustainable products
  • Successful launch of the company’s sticker-selling function
  • 20x
    Increase in testing over a decade with UserTesting
Human insight helps us limit risk by predicting how a customer is going to act with our product and then ultimately convert using our website.
Frederik Brakel - Chief Officer of Fashion, Spread Group
Frederik Brakel Chief Officer of Fashion, Spread Group
After releasing the validated content about sustainability, we saw an up to 20% increase in sales of sustainable products on our platform.
Dave Gorman - Director of Customer Experience, Spread Group
Dave Gorman Director of Customer Experience, Spread Group
  • Witness how the world's second-largest coffee shop chain designed a smooth pre-order function for their Click & Collect app
  • Teaser Images for Customer Stories. These teaser images are used for the Customer Story cards on the Customer Stories Listing page.
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  • Woman sitting down while looking at mobile phone shopping
    Witness how Chico's uses fast feedback and video insights to grow its loyal customer base
  • Customer Story Teaser Images. Images are used in the cards on the Customer Story Listing Page.
    See how the world’s largest eyewear manufacturer tested their Virtual Mirror tool, so shoppers trying on Ray-Bans or Oakleys find the perfect fit