

TIER Mobility + UserTesting

Watch how TIER Mobility redesigned the subscription purchase process and mapped the experience for customers booking a vehicle

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  • 6%
    Increase in online conversion for the sale of TIER subscriptions
  • Insights that helped TIER map the end-to-end journey of customers renting a vehicle
  • 3x
    Rise in testing of digital and physical experiences since adopting UserTesting
User insights help us to build the things that make us a profitable business.
Florian Weingarten - Director of Product, TIER Mobility
Florian Weingarten Director of Product, TIER Mobility
Looking at customers riding our vehicles and using the app helps us get closer to those customers. And then we improve our service so that it's better suited for the needs of day-to-day riders.
Maria Hock User - Research Lead, TIER Mobility
Maria Hock User Research Lead, TIER Mobility
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