Understanding user testing metrics

Posted on September 28, 2022
2 min read


Image of people looking at metrics

When designing an application, users should find it meaningful and usable. It's imperative to understand user testing metrics because they tell designers how users engage with their products and the usability of their products. 

What are user testing metrics?

User testing metrics calculate the user experience of your product—how users interact with your product and how they use it. They determine the level of effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction users have using your product. 

If users aren't properly engaging with your design, or if your product isn't helpful, users won't return to your application. User testing metrics help to build uniform products that meet your users' needs. Although it could be expensive, metrics guide your decisions on what part of your product needs improvements, and you'll collect valuable user feedback.

Types of user testing metrics

Designers should understand the different user testing metrics because they help you learn how to develop human-centric products and how to ensure usability within your design. Tracking the effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction of users interacting with a product helps you gain valuable insight into your users


This metric defines how well users can use your product. Are users accomplishing their tasks and goals while using your product? What is the success rate of users achieving their goals? 

Having maximum effectiveness is imperative to usability. If users take longer than needed to complete a task, an underlying issue may be present with your design.

Task time

Task time is exactly what it sounds like. How long are users taking to complete a task? For an effective product with maximum usability, users should successfully complete tasks within an acceptable time range. 

Amount of errors

So, you test your users, and everyone completes their tasks successfully! Great, right? If users encounter errors while completing tasks, it may indicate a faulty issue in your design. 

Let's say, for example, the user’s task is to buy a clothing item from your website. They find the clothing item successfully but make mistakes along the way, or your interface has an issue where they have difficulty achieving the task their first time. 

When designers know the pain ponts users have, they can fix errors in the application and create efficient user interactions. 

Users’ satisfaction

How satisfied do your users feel after interacting with your product? Do they think your product was easily understandable, engaging, and met their needs? Were they able to complete their tasks without mistakes? 

After testing, ask your users questions to evaluate their reaction to your product. This answer validates whether your product needs further improvement or if it fits your users' needs perfectly. 

A final word on user testing metrics

User testing helps designers evaluate how well their product is performing and where there are elements to improve. Understanding user testing metrics will give you a holistic view of the user experience, enabling you to continually improve your product.

Want to learn more?

Bring customer perspectives into more decisions across teams and experiences to design, develop, and deliver products with more confidence and less risk. 

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