All works by Jennifer DeRome

Graphic showing outputs of ideas from a mobile application


Do You Know Who Your Mobile Competitors Are?

Do you know who your competitors are? Sure you do. You watch them constantly...


5 Digital Experiences That Drive Users Crazy

Many of us spend a good portion of our day on the web. And...


Making good on your UX debt

Have you ever loaned a friend something, with only their word they’d pay you...


US Web Design Standards: Guidelines For a Better User Experience

When I bought my first home, I was really excited. It was in pretty...
illustration of a cloud with a lock hanging from it


How Apple designed a privacy policy people will actually read

When I was growing up I kept a diary. All my deepest, darkest secrets...


3 exercises to sharpen your UX skills

Being a great UXer takes a lot of work. You need to be creative...


4 tips to improve your credit card form UX

I have a confession to make. I use Amazon to buy just about everything...


Empathy—the UX pro's secret weapon

I’ll never forget the first time I heard about empathy. It was my first...


Designing UX for Natural User Interfaces

Before smartphones, tablets, and trackpads we had keyboards and mice. Our devices were connected...