How times of uncertainty shape the future of your business

Posted on March 25, 2020
3 min read


Man pulling a Jenga block out of the tower

We’ve heard the phrase “we are in unprecedented times,” a lot over the last few weeks as the world population comes to terms with the impact of COVID-19.

It’s a phrase that couldn’t be more true. For the first time in a generation (or more), we’re having to adjust and sacrifice in ways few could’ve predicted. Economies struggle to stay afloat as industries try to understand how best to react to news and government advice, which changes on a daily basis.

But we’re humans—we will evolve and adapt. It’s what we’re good at.

And businesses are driven by humans, constantly innovating and working to grow with their customers. With that said, those companies that adapt quickly and build their strategies around these new ways of working will gain a huge advantage over their competitors.

Remote, but not distant

It’s no surprise that many people are now confined to working from home. In some cases that means no escape from new distractions like children, pets, roommates, or other family members. And it means connections with your team and others in the office may become more difficult.

There’s no doubt that in-person interactions help businesses function. But in the Digital Age, is it really anything more than an inconvenience, particularly in the grander scheme of things? Few businesses will have experienced remote working on this scale, but as we adapt, new efficiencies will be found. Long commutes will be replaced with getting to spend more time with families. We’ll better understand which meetings could be replaced with a simple email, instant message, or video call. We’ll get over the barriers of digital collaboration, and with time, it’ll become as natural as those physical interactions.

What may seem like an inconvenience now could fundamentally change the way that businesses function in the future. This will drive innovation as we leverage technology to move past the “traditional” ways of working and come up with new solutions to everyday problems. 

Beyond how we interact with each other internally, it will also be critical to think about how companies are interacting with their customers.

You can still keep your customers close 

Digital delivery of products and services will grow exponentially as people shy away from physical spaces. And companies will pour over analytical data to find the slightest opportunity to optimise those digital journeys (and others) even more than before. In order to do that, it’s important for companies to move beyond data, and use the voice of their customers to truly optimise experiences based on their unique needs.

Businesses that already utilize remote testing platforms have a head start—they’re already testing with their customers to understand how to deliver key customer messaging, optimize digital experiences, and more. 

Mature CX organizations are embracing remote customer feedback, while those who aren’t may risk being left behind. Key business stakeholders will engage with the process like never before through videos and transcripts of sessions, and UX teams across the globe will rejoice as their requests for testing budgets become easier. This will filter through to marketing teams who will increasingly test with customers before launching campaigns, or even before they launch into any live A/B testing

The benefits of remote testing will be easy to see as process efficiency, value, and ultimately revenue are all delivered.

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