All works by Andy MacMillan


UserTesting's vision for AI

In what felt like overnight, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) exploded into...


The pivotal role of the Chief Digital Officer

This post was originally published by our friends at CIO Dive and is shared...


UserTesting turns 15

The Soprano s final episode cut to black and Mad Men debuted. Moviegoers flocked...


UserTesting celebrates today’s initial public offering

Today we celebrate an important milestone in UserTesting’s history by becoming a publicly-traded company...


What is human insight? Why data alone isn’t enough to create great customer experiences

What is human insight? Human insight offers a valuable new understanding of your customer...
Andy MacMillan speaking to a crowd


Introducing CEO Andy MacMillan: “It’s where technology meets people that makes it valuable”

Hello! Recently I had the immense privilege of joining UserTesting as CEO. I’ve been...