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What is digital transformation and why it matters

In 2011, Capgemini and MIT defined digital transformation as the use of technology to...
Photo of 4 business professionals reviewing a presentation on a computer monitor


How to write a UX research report and present your findings

Writing a UX research report can feel like studying for an exam. You know...
Group of people sitting in a small circle talking


What user researchers need to know about accessibility

As a UX researcher, you are intimately familiar with identifying and solving problems. However...


What’s the difference between UX research and market research?

It's tempting to rely on existing market research rather than new user research to...


How to design websites for blind and partially sighted people

In the U.S., around 12 million individuals aged 40 and over experience vision impairment...
stakeholder buy-in


How to make better websites for people with dyslexia

Dyslexia is a condition that affects people’s ability to learn, read, and spell. It’s...


14 deeply pleasing Google microinteractions

What are microinteractions? Also referred to as Micro UX, microinteractions are the tiny interactions...


How to ensure quality unmoderated test data

Unmoderated research is a very powerful tool. You get speed, efficiency and quick insights...


A directory of UX design Slack groups

One of the more fun developments in the Slackerverse is how companies and brands...