All works by Hannah Alvarez


Achieving goals vs. solving problems (and why UX teams need both)

They say there are two types of people in this world. While that statement...


Retailers should focus on the customer journey, not the channel

Digital influence on retail is so pervasive that the concept of entirely-offline retail is...


4 risky personalization tactics that can make or break your CX

Personalization has been a hot topic for marketers lately, and it’s been named one...


Win More A/B Tests by Answering These 3 Questions

When it comes to gauging the effectiveness of your A/B testing efforts, there’s one...


6 Tips Every UX Researcher Should Memorize

This post is adapted from the eBook A Complete Guide to UserTesting Your Next...


How to Get Rapid User Feedback on Your Mobile App Prototype

You’d never publish an app without QA testing it. But QA testing alone won’t...


The generation gap of Snapchat: UX for different age groups

Every Tuesday, UserTesting’s Research Team studies a different product to share here on the...


3 Practical Reasons to Invest in UX Research and Design

Here at UserTesting, we often hear the same question coming from two different angles...


Testing and Redesigning Yelp, Step 3: Analysis

If you’ve been hanging around the UserTesting blog lately, you’ve probably heard that we’ve...