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THiS 24 day 1 closing remarks


Johann Wrede

Chief Marketing Officer, UserTesting

As the first day of THiS 2024 comes to a close, join us for a brief recap of today’s highlights and key takeaways. Reflect on the powerful discussions, transformative sessions, and new connections made. We’ll also give you a sneak peek at what’s in store for tomorrow, so you won’t want to miss this energizing wrap-up of an inspiring day!

So it's really great to, to do that with Mark. He's a real Mark is a real one off, incredible ambassador for our customers, their stories, bringing them to life, And it was really lovely to do that because this is actually this is my first time on the user testing this stage. And I can tell you, I'm really, really excited to stand here. It's been a great day one. Do you guys agree? Have you had a great day one?



 Now as I've known user testing, actually, I know I've got a script...

So it's really great to, to do that with Mark. He's a real Mark is a real one off, incredible ambassador for our customers, their stories, bringing them to life, And it was really lovely to do that because this is actually this is my first time on the user testing this stage. And I can tell you, I'm really, really excited to stand here. It's been a great day one. Do you guys agree? Have you had a great day one?



 Now as I've known user testing, actually, I know I've got a script, but I'm off script now, guys. Okay. Right? I had a script. It's gone. So honestly, I'm really, really excited to be here. I've known user testing for a long time now, and I'm going to tell you a little story.

 But, you know, around seven years ago, maybe more, I was at SAP and I was the CMO of a business unit there called, SAP Hybris, which is our customer experience portfolio.

 And, I used to spend a lot of money, and I mean a lot of money with an agency, to provide me four reports a year. Right? Four kind of PDF reports that would tell me my share of voice in media compared to, like, Microsoft, Salesforce, Oracle.

 I would get voice of the customer stats and statistics.

 I would get my NPS across my five product lines, sales, customer service, marketing, ecommerce, and my billing solutions.

 I I had reports that told me what customers thought of the solutions. I would use that to make sure that my marketing programs, those insights that they would run better, that the the messaging and the positioning that I would use would really resonate with my customers. And I would also use it working with my product team to make sure that those insights went into creating better products for reports.

 Somewhere between one point six million and two million dollars for those reports. Right?

 I and by the way, I thought that was cheap. I thought that was cheap. Right? I, I also thought it was hugely valuable, you know, to my business.

 But the thing was by the time I got these reports, they were already three or four months out of date. Right? That was number one.

 Then I met the executive team at User Testing through through a mutual friend, and and they would tell me what user testing did. And I was like, holy goodness.

 I was like, that that's amazing. So really, I can get those type of insights, first of all, more effectively.

 I could maybe pose a question overnight. Actually, voice of the customer, I can actually hear what my customer sounds like. I can hear their actual voice, and I can see them. That's so powerful.

 Because a lot of what that insight provided also or provides is it's the emotional context of the experience the customers have in as well. Not everything is best articulated. So if you do a survey, for example, you've already predetermined the output that you want, right, around the customer experience.

 There's no visual cue. There's nothing else in that language or in that feedback that is truly going to make you remarkable. In fact, when you ask very openly questions about an experience and you can see the visual cues that someone has, you know, that I'm not telling you I'm confused, I just look confused. So what you've done is, you know, you've confused me in some way. But even with all that feedback, you know, the the verbal feedback is probably gonna fit into kinda eighty percent to ninety percent of what you expect people to say, both positive and negative.

 But what I was blown away by, we use a test and at times, was the outliers.

 The things that I hadn't even considered would potentially be an answer, either positive or negative, because I believe innovation happens on the edges. Innovation happens when something unexpected, a piece of unexpected feedback comes your way. So when I think about customer experience, I think about those type of moments as well. I think about the power of this platform to deliver that for our customers, for your customers. So that's why I'm really excited to be here. Is that okay? So can I say that?

 Thank you.

 So so when I do a a recap of day one, right, so what did we hear? We heard Johan talking about how we need to consider the whole customer journey, That closing the experience gap, as we call it, transforming customer experiences requires us to consider the whole customer journey, not just the touch points, because many of our colleagues across these large enterprises are concerned with a particular touch point, whether it's the ecommerce touch point or the physical touch point, but it's about how you manage that whole journey.

 We heard the conversation with Caleb from one of our alumni winners, US Bank, talking about how getting to great is a team sport, getting more designers involved. Similar themes came from some of the breakout sessions as well you may have joined. And look.

 It's not always easy, clearly, but the path to success almost certainly involves others in your organization.

 And then the final thing, we heard Michelle. Now Michelle said earlier she she was presented something else, and she said earlier today, you're gonna be sick of hearing from me.

 Guys, I'm never sick of hearing from Michelle. Michelle is an amazing she's driving a phenomenal product team. And, she was talking about new technology.

 She says it creates opportunity. I could not agree more. New tech can be scary, you know, but it does open the door for creating new and exciting experiences for customers. So in short, I think day one, my big takeaway is that I'm more optimistic as ever than ever about the future of CX customer experience. So thank you for joining us on day one. Thanks, guys.

 And and thank you to all of today's speakers. I won't name them all. You can read them. But what a fantastic first day, and so a big, big thank you also to our speakers. I think a lot of what they've shared will be hugely valuable. Great takeaways for you guys as you go back to your own businesses. So let's hear it for our speakers as well.

 And, also, I get to do this. I'm just like, I'm mister I'm your applause monkey today. Okay? It's like, woo hoo.

 So I wanna take a moment to thank, obviously, our incredible sponsors as well. We are grateful, super grateful for the partnership and helping us all push the boundaries of human human insight. Zilker Trail, Content Square, Rally, and Figma, thank you. If you haven't seen them yet, get out to the partner pavilion, which is there over there somewhere, right just in the corner.

 It's really awesome. Go out and meet them and learn from them and listen to them. They're very, very cool. So thank you to the partners too.

 Right? Awesome.

 And finally, finally, this is a really it's a really cool bit because you guys all get to be part of this. So next up, we have something really, really exciting. We have a party. Who doesn't love a party? I like a party. Right?

 So, join us at Clive. That's a really odd name for a bar, Right? Or a club. Is it a bar or a club? What is it?

 A hangout.

 Right? Yeah. K. Right. So join us at Clive.

 Bring your photo ID because you're all gorgeously young looking.

 Remember your photo ID, right, and bring your badge. I haven't got mine. I'll need to get it. Bring your badge. We're gonna have fun together at Clive in Austin. It kicks off at six thirty PM.

 We will have music, great foods, we'll have drinks, and some fun activations.

 So again, don't forget your ID. It's gonna be awesome. I will see you there. Have a great day. Thank you, everyone. Thank you.

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